
The Rockefeller University HIV Clinical Research Trials

The Rockefeller University HIV Clinical Research Trials

Welcome to the Data Coordinating Center's (DCC) home page for The Rockefeller University’s candidate vaccines and monoclonal antibodies against HIV-1 and other infectious pathogens.

The Rockefeller University is a world-renowned center for research and graduate education in the biomedical sciences, chemistry, bioinformatics, and physics. The university’s laboratories conduct both clinical and basic research and study a diverse range of biological and biomedical problems with the mission of improving the understanding of life for the benefit of humanity. The university is supported by a combination of government and private grants and contracts, private philanthropy, and income from the endowment.

The DCC supports The Rockefeller University-sponsored HIV-1, HBV, and SARS-CoV2 trials by providing data management, statistical analysis, and administrative support. The DCC is located at The Emmes Company, LLC in Rockville, Maryland. For information about the DCC, visit www.emmes.com.

The DCC manages this website. Resources are available to users with authorized access only.